As a European research infrastructure, MEDem connects long-term comparative (inter)national research groups and infrastructures in what we call the MEDem Networks. By that we want to enable comprehensive and highly innovative research on electoral democracies all over Europe.
As of now, becoming a MEDem Network would result in three main benefits:
Concepts, operationalizations, or data developed or collected by a MEDem Network will have higher priority to us when it comes to making the research group, their work, and their data more findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable within the MEDem Framework.
MEDem Networks will have representation in our governance structure and can (if wished so) make suggestions and voice concerns on the strategic direction of MEDem, particularly in decisions regarding standards in data documentation, harmonization, and interoperability.
In more abstract terms, being part of the MEDem Networks will highlight the necessity towards funding institutions to support the research. More specifically, once MEDem (including its networks) will be an accredited infrastructure on the ESFRI Roadmap – it will be allowed to participate in specific Horizon Europe calls foreseen for European infrastructures.
To become part of the MEDem Networks, individuals representing long-term comparative (inter)national data collections, research groups, and infrastructures can apply by sending an email to
Members of The MEDem Networks
Listed below are all 30+ (inter)national research projects and infrastructures that signed a Memorandum of Understanding with MEDem:
Campaigning for Strasbourg (CamForS), Comparative Agendas Project (CAP), Chapel Hill Expert Survey (CHES), Comparative Legislators Database (CLD), Comparative Political Data Set (CPDS), Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES), Consortium of National Election Studies (CNES), Database of Variables for Content Analysis (DOCA), Digital Election Campaigning Worldwide (DigiWorld), Dutch Parliamentary Election Surveys (DPES), Comparative Candidates Survey (CCS), Executive Approval Project (EAP), European Election Studies (EES), European Values Study (EVS), The Far-Right Protest Observatory (FARPO), Finnish National Election Study (FNES), Icelandic National Election Study (ICENES), Italian National Election Study (ITANES), Parliamentary Speech dataset (ParlSpeech), ParlLawSpeech, Political Data Yearbook interactive (PDYi), Political Party Database Project, The PopuList, The Manifesto Project, Network of European Political Communication Scholars (NEPOCS), Representative Democracy Data Archive (REPDEM), Swedish National Election Study (SNES), ECPR Research Network on Voting Advice Applications (VAA), Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem)